Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is more than a game, it’s a way of life
Official Australian Representative of
Axis Jiu-Jitsu Academy Japan
HELLO, I aM Jason Roebig, Official Takamasa Watanabe and Kron Gracie Black Belt -
I’ve dedicated my life to mastering the movement of Jiu-Jitsu, now let me share my knowledge with you!
12 years ago, I received the honour of my BJJ Black from Takamasa Watanabe and Kron Gracie. As the official representative of Axis Jiu Jitsu Academy in Australia, our mission is mastering the fundamental movements of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. If a building’s strength relies on its foundations, then so too do the progression and success of martial arts. My school, Axis Academy of Excellence, is open to all and easily accessible from Gold Coast to South Brisbane. We specialise in training for kids and adults, whether you are aiming for successful self defence or victory in jiu jitsu competition.
Welcome to Axis of Excellence
Have you ever thought about the importance of lineage, culture & community?
Based in South-East Queensland, Axis of Excellence is the Australian Headquarters of the Internationally distinguished, Axis Jiu-Jitsu Academy Japan. Home to the purest Gracie Jiu-Jitsu bloodline in Australia – Jason Roebig, official Takamasa Watanabe and Kron Gracie BJJ Black Belt.
Following the vision of Master Rickson Gracie and Kron Gracie, effective self defence is at the core of our academy curriculum. We believe that your Jiu-Jitsu must be street effective. At our new gym facility in Eagleby, between Gold Coast and Brisbane, easily accessible just off the M1 Motorway, we offer a range of classes to suit all needs. From self defence to competition jiu jitsu for kids and adults, beginner to experienced grappler. This gives our students a massive boost in confidence, knowing that the skills we help you master, will work on the BJJ competition mat and in the real world.
We invite you to come for a free trial, experience our culture and train alongside Regional, National and International Champions.
Testimonials • Testimonials • Testimonials •
2nd Degree Black Belt
“With his ‘connection’ to Taka Watanabe, Rickson & Kron Gracie and his unique understanding combined the way he articulates the breakdown of the technique with the ‘Sensitivity to movement & connection’ he is never content with his abilities and is continually striving to reach a better understanding of knowledge in the Martial Art.
The last 10-12 years of my training journey with Jason, and everything I have learnt along the way has impacted the way I understand and now coach my students.
Jason is committed to creating a culture on and off the mat so that all students are the best version they can be.
Axis of Excellence is the continual pursuit of pure technique!”
- Daryn Daniel
BJJ Black Belt - Ukraine
“Jason Roebig is one of the best BJJ brains out there. I swear that every training with him is like a whole BJJ seminar. His way of pointing out vital details is the best that I have ever encountered. I often leave his training buzzing and not being able to sleep thinking over what I have learned and realizing that I still have so much to learn.
Jason often makes me feel like a white belt in the good sense of this phrase, where I realize that there is so much more of BJJ that I can learn which will improve my game (a sentiment shared by a lot of BJJ fighters who ever trained with Jason) . Also, what needs to be mentioned about Jason is his ability to negate opponents' physical strength via the concept "connection"...I personally guarantee that every BJJ practitioner regardless of the belt/age/physical abilities will benefit greatly from this concept of connection.
I hope to see you guys at Jason's training.”
-Paul Stolyar
“Not all masters make great teachers of their craft. I believe that holds true in any discipline. During my career I have known brilliant surgeons who were poor teachers. Although great movers themselves, they were unable to break their complex movements down into smaller fragments that can be readily taught. BJJ and surgery are not dissimilar. They are both complex movement disciplines with long learning curves. Good teachers in such disciplines are hard to find.
It takes a lot more than inspiring students with technical skill. That’s the easy part. It also takes more than just passion for the discipline itself. All masters need passion to reach their level of technical proficiency. A good teacher also needs to be patient, observant and a good communicator. They also need to strike the difficult balance between demanding perfection while still encouraging their students to progress.
Great teachers however, have all those qualities and something more. They have a deep understanding and love for the learning process itself. They are humble enough to accept that they themselves are still learning. In my opinion Professor Roebig fits in the great teacher category. He also has that rare gift of giving his students what they need exactly when they need it. I have lost count of those moments when he sprinkles around bits of gold dust and you ask yourself why I didn’t see it sooner. The answer is always because I wasn’t ready for it. I have been his student for over a decade and he is comfortably the equal of the best teachers I had in my 16 years of training to be a plastic surgeon.
If you are serious about total immersion in the world of BJJ then look no further, Jason is your man.”